Special Education

Our Community School is a public school with a full inclusion policy. Students with special needs are supported within the regular classrooms by resource teachers and related service specialists. Teachers may call for a Student Success Team and Progress Meeting with a parent if there are any academic concerns prior to the consideration of Special Education.  Parents, Teacher(s), and an Administrator meet to discuss both strengths and concerns and an action plan is created and implemented to support student progress. The plan is revisited after a 4-8 week period to determine the next steps. Parents, administrators, or teachers can recommend a student to be evaluated for eligibility to receive special education services if they feel it is appropriate. If a parent requests an evaluation, the school has 15 days to respond with a written assessment plan. The parent must sign and return the assessment plan before any testing can happen. The school has 60 days from the date the signed assessment plan is returned to conduct an evaluation and hold a meeting to review the findings. The meeting will take place with the parents/guardians, teacher(s), the special education coordinator, and a school administrator. At this meeting, the evaluation results will be presented and the team will determine the student’s eligibility for special education and an Individualized Education Plan (I.E.P.) will be developed if the student is deemed eligible for services. The IEP is updated at least annually. A comprehensive IEP will be conducted every 3 years as needed. The Assistant Principal at Our Community School oversees the Special Education Program.

If you have any questions regarding the special education program at Our Community School, please contact Beth Wolfsbauer.